Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which services to book online?
If this is your first visit, or it's been more than a year since we've seen you last, please book only services labeled New Client. If you are looking to book a color service, please start with a consult.
For returning clients, choose the appropriate category and then read through each package description to find the one that best fits your needs. Please note some packages include a haircut while others may need a haircut added separately.
You can view your past appointment history by clicking the 3 lines next to your name in the top right corner and choosing appointments.
When in doubt, call us for assistance or you can leave a note with your online booking and we will give you a call if adjustments need to be made.
Why do new client services cost more than regular services?
New client services are designed to set you up for the best results!
We set aside extra time for a consultation to better understand your hair health, color history, hair goals, lifestyle, and look at inspiration photos. A thorough consult allows us to design a game plan to achieve a look that suits your lifestyle, maintenance preferences, and goals.
Because we specialize in healthy hair, your first appointment also includes a treatment to ensure the best starting point for your hair and scalp, and will give you more styling ease.
Do you offer a cut without the frills?
We are a luxury salon specializing in healthy hair treatments and mind, body, soul wellness.
All of our cuts are packaged with an invigorating hair & scalp facial to detox and deep condition, leaving your hair and scalp feeling healthy, happy, and rejuvenated! Each appointment also includes a Reiki infused wash, hot towels and aromatherapy, so you'll leave with your new style feeling relaxed and refreshed.
We set long term hair goals with our clients, so if you're just looking for a quick cut and out the door or if you like to change salons and stylists often, we probably aren't the best fit for you.
Is an Olaplex treatment really that important?
Your hair contains millions of disulfide bonds that give your hair it's strength, stability, and structure. These bonds can become damaged and broken from heat styling, color treatment, brushing and pulling, and environmental factors like UV and sun exposure, pollution and cold weather.
Olaplex is a patented treatment that repairs broken disulfide bonds on a molecular level, which restores healthy, shiny, touchable hair!
An Olaplex treatment can be added on to your color or blonding service without adding additional time to your appointment, we just mix it right into your color! We also have at home solutions from Olaplex Shampoo and Conditioner, to bond building treatment and leave in products!
How often do I need to come in for maintenance?
During your consultation we will develop a plan that is right for you, but here's what is typical depending on your service:
Root retouches with hilights:
4-8 weeks, alternate a root retouch and glaze
Cut with hair treatments:
4-8 weeks, alternate with Dual Rescue Detox or Trinity Treatment for hair growth goals
(For scalp health and split end protection, do not exceed 10 weeks between visits)
Balayage, lived in color:
8-12 weeks, with Treat and Tone in between service 4-6 weeks for tangles, split end prevention, and color blend
All over root application 4-6 weeks (comes with toner).
Do not exceed 6 weeks.
Energy Healing & Wellness Services:
Reiki Energy Healing can be done as often as you'd like! Many clients find it beneficial for a regular monthly "tune up" and we have created Membership Packages to make that easy!
Why do I need multiple appointments to get the look I want?
Depending on your color history, hair health, current starting color, and end goal, it may require more than one appointment to achieve your end goal.
We will discuss what's possible during your in person consultation. When more than one appointment is necessary, we will build in more of what you want each appointment until we get to your desired result. If you are looking for a dramatic color change (fashion colors, brunette to platinum, dark to red, etc), expect that this will be a process. Our goal is to get you the look you want while maintaining health of hair.
Why does my blonde always turn yellow?
Natural elements like UV rays, heat damage, product and mineral buildup cause yellowing. In addition to this, there is always some degree of warmth exposed during the lightening process. We use toners to cancel out the warmth, but they are temporary and the warmth will always come back as your hair attempts to revert back to it's natural shade.
Why did my hair come out more red/orange than I wanted?
The darker your hair is, the more red or orange it will reveal when exposed to lightening. Toners help minimize the amount of warmth, but your hair will revert back to its natural pigmentation over time meaning that warmth will come back. Pre-colored hair can be more challenging to lift and can take more time and applications of lightener than natural virgin hair. It is better to apply a gentle lightener formula twice than to use a stronger formula once. This keeps the hair in the best shape.
What is a toner?
Toners are the finishing touch to every lightening service.
A toner is a sheer color that will cancel out the warmth exposed during lightening (see FAQ's above) while allowing the brightness to shine through. Toners must be reapplied every 6 weeks to maintain results. Toners can add warmth or coolness, used on highlights and all over blondes.